Elisa is the owner and creator of Song of a Sparrow artisan soap, candles, and knitted creations. She resides Tennessee with her husband. They have two sons. She's been making all-natural soaps out of her home since 2013. Song of a Sparrow's cold process soaps are plant-based, free of toxins and artificial ingredients. They have a creamy, bubbly lather and are nondrying. Each batch of soap is hand-poured into a wooden mold, cut into bars, and then cured on racks until ready for use.
In 2020, Elisa decided to start making all-natural candles, too. She always had a candle obsession, but many of the store-bought candles smelled too strong. She found it difficult to find all-natural candles that weren't made with overpowering fragrances and toxic chemicals. Her first candles were made with beeswax. She now makes candles with coconut-soy wax and only uses pure essential oils and all-cotton wicks.
Around the same time she began making soap in 2013, Elisa learned how to knit and fell in love with it. She knits all of the cotton washcloths listed on her website. She loves to work with natural fiber yarns like wool and cotton. She has also knitted many blankets, a few of which have been featured in The Encyclopedia of Knitting Techniques by Lesley Stanfield. She enjoys teaching others the skill and has held knitting workshops in her home.
Song of a Sparrow strives to practice sustainability to protect our natural environment and human health. 100% recycled paper is used for the labels and packaging. After the soap is cut into bars, the leftover ends are used for samples and soap chip sets so none is wasted. Also, Song of a Sparrow soaps are made with RSPO-Certified Sustainable Palm Oil. Members of the RSPO are certified plantations that do not use Rain Forest land or practice deforestation to expand their crops. Responsibly-produced palm oil helps to reduce deforestation and also protects and respects wildlife in palm oil-producing countries. Palm oil is also a natural source of vitamins A, C, and E, which also have antioxidant and anti-aging properties. In addition to this positive effect on your skin, palm oil is also a good moisturizer, and promotes smoother and healthier skin as many natural skincare products do.
The name Song of a Sparrow was inspired by the old gospel hymn "His Eye is on the Sparrow" and the scripture verse Matthew 10:29-31.
Elisa would love to hear from you! Please message her with any questions, comments or feedback you may have.
You can also find Song of a Sparrow on:
Instagram: @songofasparrow
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SongofaSparrow
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SongofaSparrow